
A Soldier’s Surprise

The kindergarteners at my son’s elementary school put on a holiday concert this morning. They have been practicing for weeks. My son stood on stage, smiling and belting out songs like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, etc. My son told me he had to wear “fancy” clothes today. The boys traded in superhero t’s for button down shirts. The girls were wearing holiday dresses with ruffles and lace. The auditorium was packed with eager parents. In light of the recent tragedy, we are cherishing every moment with our children. Well, except for the tantrum my daughter threw this morning because she wanted chocolate chips for breakfast. I could have done without being slapped across the face by an angry toddler. Terrible twos? It continues after they celebrate their 3rd birthday. Still, I am counting my blessings. Once the concert was over the school surprised another little boy whose father, a solider in the U.S. Army, has been serving overseas. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

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