
Inappropriate Elf

Please help me understand the ‘Elf on the Shelf’ craze. A toy elf is supposedly watching your kids and reporting back to Santa? I will tell my kids that a giant bunny rabbit leaves candy and a fairy steals their teeth, but I am drawing the line at the creepy elf. My kids wouldn’t buy it anyway. I took my son to see Santa Claus and he informed me that it wasn’t the real St. Nick. “Mom, the real Santa Claus doesn’t drive a pickup truck.” Right. I am such a fool. It is more believable that an obese man defies the law of gravity zipping through the sky on a sleigh with flying elves. A friend of mine had to kill off the Elf on the Shelf because her kid was completely terrified. Imagine you’re a kid and the elf is never in the same place twice. One minute it’s on the mantel and the next it’s in the refrigerator. Now, while I am not a fan of the elf I love these inappropriate pictures.






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