eBay Twinkies
What the hell is wrong with people? The bidding war has begun for Twinkies on EBay. Look at this one: What a-hole is willing to spend $127.00 for five boxes of dessert cakes. I am guessing you only got through the 9th grade. They are called “Golden Sponge Cakes,” but are not really made of gold. You would have to have a serious sweet tooth to buy this box. That or you are the rich douchebag who wants to brag about spending 10 grand on Twinkies. Either way, I hope you choke on the cream filling. Let’s not forget thousands of people will lose their jobs when Hostess shuts down…
RIP Twinkie
Maybe the Mayans are right after all. Hostess is going out of business. Do you know what this means people? Twinkies, Ding Dongs, etc. will be no more. I will only be able to tell my grandchildren stories about the little yellow cake with cream filling. Maybe I should start stockpiling these suckers. They last forever right? I could sell them on EBay. The truth is I will survive without chocolate cupcakes. God knows my hips will be happier. My son will eventually get over it. There are 18,500 people who are losing their jobs before the holidays. Executives blame workers for striking. Really? The company wanted to cut wages…