• Target Coupon

    Although my friend Matt is begging me to bring back the coupon section, (he needs more lady razors) I am not.  However, this is a deal I have to share.  I’m sure all you procrastinators out there still have some Christmas shopping to do.   Who doesn’t love Tar-jay? Here is a coupon that gets you a free $10 Target gift card if you spend over $50. Matt can stock up on lady razors!  Target.com

  • Extreme Coupons

    I have become that woman. You know, the one we goofed on when we were younger. The person in line at the grocery store with a coupon binder. I think we can all agree that is not as annoying as the person paying with a check. Hi, 1994 called and they want your checkbook back. Get a damn debit card! Do you think I have time to waste 3 whole minutes while you write out $53.78 in long form? When I left my job as a TV News Reporter to stay home with my kids I was looking for ways to save money. After all, I wasn’t bringing home a…

  • Pantry Organization

    My pantry is a mess.  I have chips on the same shelf as spaghetti sauce, mixed in with canned peas.  Don’t judge.  Canned peas are yummy.  I met an amazing woman at BlogHer named Chrystie Corns who is building a house with a pantry the size of Carrie Bradshaw’s closet in the Sex & the City movie.  For me this seems like a good idea to get eliminate some of the clutter.  By the way, for my couponing friends out there you will LOVE Chrystie’s website.