This is too good not to share. Someone posted a recliner for sale on a Facebook virtual garage sale site. As you can see in the description it’s a “Cuddler recliner.” I am guessing by the stains there was a lot more than cuddling going on here. Gross. The price should be $whythehellwouldyoubuythis.
I cleaned out some closets this weekend. It’s amazing how quickly children outgrow clothing. I gathered a few bags to sell at a consignment shop. It’s a great way to make some extra money to put toward new clothes for the kids. They always have the latest fashions. Meanwhile, I’m still rockin my B.U.M. sweatshirt. (If you are in your 20’s you will have no idea what that means.) I also need to clear out junk in the basement. I need to get rid of a broken high chair, old desk, etc. My town requires a special ticket to put larger items on the curb….. OR I can do what…