

I am not crafty. I don’t pretend to be. I buy Valentine’s Day cards at Walmart. My photographs are stored in a giant cardboard box. I envy women with the patience to scrap book. I don’t own puffy stickers that say things like “love” or “fun”, ribbon or a glue gun. My kids will just have to guess when and where every picture was taken.

Any crafts I’ve attempted to make ended up in the trash, but not this time. I made something that doesn’t look like a 1st grade art project. I saw this idea posted on Pinterest. It is a cute way to display your child’s artwork someplace other than the refrigerator. (Let’s face it they aren’t all winners. I can’t hang up every paper their crayon touches. The self portrait that looks like an alien may not make the wall.)


Basically, you take a large frame. I paid $6 at a thrift store for this one. It was as gold as Lil Wayne’s teeth. I slapped on a coat of paint, removed the glass and wood board. Then, I hung it on the wall with a Hercules hook. Those things really work. I think I will be an “As Seen On TV” spokesperson in my next life. I could totally BS for hours about a product. Anyway, once it is up you can tack your child’s artwork to the wall, inside the frame. Bam, you just made a craft bitches!

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