Oh Dear God! Hulk Hogan has a sex tape. Is this on the Mayan calendar? I didn’t mean to watch it. I went to a credible gossip website and low and behold, there is was. It is my own fault. I clicked “Play.” I thought it was a joke. It wasn’t. The video is grainy, but Hulk’s bare buttocks are exposed. Clearly, Hulk isn’t listening to PSA’s about the danger of tanning and skin cancer. I think what’s even worse is you can see the top of his bald head, his hair draped around it like a grass skirt. Apparently, when Hulk is wrestling in the sheets he cannot wear his bandana. I’m no psychologist, but I’m guessing the young woman in the video has Daddy issues. Hulk Hogan was disgusting in the 1980’s. I may seem like a prude, but as the mother of three kids, I find it extremely concerning that this video is on a mainstream website. The internet is a blessing and a curse. It’s more proof that I need to monitor every move my kids make in cyberspace. Perhaps, I need to block websites. It’s for their own good and mine. My eyes are burning. (And no. I won’t link to the video. You’re welcome.)
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