
Kids These Days

When I was young a punishment for misbehaving was having to stay inside while your friends and siblings played games outside. It was torture. To the disbelief of my former, younger co-workers I did not get around in a horse and buggy. It was a 1987 Caprice Classic, thank you very much!

My son’s punishment is simple: I take away electronics. Yesterday he lost his IPod for his attitude. He walked around all day sulking like he lost his best friend. It made me wonder what he does on that thing. I have given him a lecture and warning. Until now, I trusted he wouldn’t click on anything inappropriate. Then, my 5-year-old told me about a great show they watched together on Netflix. “Then, they shot Santa.” What? “It wasn’t the real Santa.” Well, that makes it better. Time to filter their viewing options before the cast of American Dad murders the Easter Bunny or they learn who Jenna Jamison is.

A kid that is disrespectful at home will talk smack to teachers at school. He doesn’t have to call anyone sir or ma’am, but lose the nasty tone. His reply is, “So, you can yell at us?” The answer is yes. I usually have a good reason. Plus, the day I suffered hours of painful labor I earned the right to do whatever the hell I want. Perhaps I will download a behavior app on his IPod to track his progress.


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