• Guessing Game

    I am convinced my children were game show hosts in a past life.   They are constantly making me guess things, but there is never a prize.  Every statement begins with one question: “Guess what?”  I am at a disadvantage. I would have to be the ‘Long Island Medium’ to guess correctly and that’s impossible because my curling iron retired in the 1990s. I recently jotted down some of the interesting things that followed after my children said, “Guess what?”  Well, that’s a lie.  I didn’t jot anything.  Who jots anymore? We keep notes on our phones.   ‘I typed on my phone’ just doesn’t have the same ring to…

  • Ultimate temper tantrum

    We have all been in a store or restaurant and had to drag a child out kicking and screaming. The first time your kid throws a temper tantrum it’s embarrassing. I will never forget when my son lost his mind in the mall and was screaming “Put me down” as I struggled to carry him and shopping bags while pushing a stroller. Why didn’t I just put the bags or the kid in the stroller? Hindsight is a bitch. I was sweating and got annoyed by all the stares. “Haven’t you ever seen a temper tantrum before?” I shouted to complete strangers. By the second or third kid you aren’t…