A simple Thank You
I don’t usually forward posts from Facebook. I’m not a big fan of the “Repost this if you have a mom too, like chocolate too or breathe oxygen too” status’. However, this picture struck a cord. I don’t think we show enough appreciation for military families. Honestly, I don’t care if you are against the war. I do ask that you take a little more time when making your protest signs. You are calling for world peace with a Sharpie? I think that warrants the use of crayons, stickers, glitter, etc.
I want to wrap my arms around the little guy in this photograph. Buddy, your dad died a hero.
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While I didn’t lose a parent to war, I did lose my mother, who was a US Army Veteran and who worked there for many years as a civilian following her discharge. My mother’s funeral is still very much etched into the corners of my heart and mind as I recall that blustery, snow laden day at the veteran’s cemetary. More significant than that was the image of my former Commander, LTC Nikki DeWolf, in full dress green uniform, standing in the snow, shivering and too proud to wear her winter coat. I never in a life time imagined that as a scared private, in the Montana National Guard, that I would one day be accepting the flag from that same Commander, in honor of my mother in service to her country. Absolutely, unreal.