Graduation Party
Today is a big day for one of my dear friends. It’s her son’s high school graduation party. When I met him he was a skinny boy with a cowlick and a cute smile. I saw him go from being the awkward kid with braces to the star football player. Luckily, he was raised well and never became an arrogant jock. Those guys grow up to be the fat, bald men in town working nine to five while longing for their glory days. Am I bitter that those dudes wouldn’t date me in high school? Nope, they blossomed too soon. Clearly, I win!
This young man is smart and kind. Plus, he didn’t end up being a cast member of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant. Nowadays, that in itself is an accomplishment.
In the Fall this young man will attend college. The baby she rocked and toddler she snuggled will rest his head in a dorm room. She may have an empty nest, (and may need therapy) but her heart is full. She has so much to be proud of.
It is hard to believe my circle of friends have reached this milestone in life. Then again, I recently had an intern tell me he “grew up watching me on the news.” I should just reserve my spot at the local senior home now.
One Comment
Very sweet story. Where does the time go! My baby will returning to dorm life in a few weeks as well. I’m so proud of the young man he’s become but I can’t help but miss the days he was curled up next to me watching Blue’s Clues with his ever-present blankie. Thanks for sparking that memory.