
Letting Go

The person who said parenting gets easier as your child gets older was a liar. Sure, yesterday my 2-year-old daughter threw a whopper of a temper tantrum. She was angry because I refused to allow her to ride her bike in the middle of the street. She slammed the bike on the ground and refused to move. Her tantrum coincided with my dog relieving his bowels in my neighbors perfectly manicured lawn. I didn’t anticipate a #2 and was without a scooper or bag. I’m sure he was looking out the window and having a nervous breakdown. (Don’t worry. I went back.) It was frustrating, but I was still in control. I carried my daughter and the damn bike back home.

During their elementary school years you are in charge. If your child is having trouble with another student you meet with the teacher to rectify the situation. You decide who is in their social circle via scheduled play dates. Life gets more complicated when they get older. It’s not cool for mom to get involved when you don’t have anyone to sit with at lunch. You can’t make someone like your child. You can’t force kids to invite him/her to a party. Your super powers are gone. It Is painful to see your child hurting. You can’t do anything about it, but comfort and love them. It is at this point in their lives that you learn to let go. It doesn’t happen overnight. God knows the psych ward would be at capacity if moms cut the cord all at once. You take baby steps, but with each one reinforce the importance of self confidence. Encourage them to believe in themselves and realize their worth. If your child walks away with his/her head held high you’ve done something right. In the meantime, you can bury yours in a pillow and cry.


Follow me on Twitter @CynicalMother

One Comment

  • Dad and Buried

    I went into fatherhood being terrified of dealing with a baby. I quickly learned that babies aren’t HARD, they’re just inconvenient.

    My kid is two now, and it’s still kinda easy, but definitely a LOT harder than it was. And I expect it to continue to get harder and harder until he’s 30. Sure, as he gets more independent some things will be easier, but along with that comes real-life issues that parents need to help with. I can’t even help myself! Ugh.

    Great post!


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