• 1,2,3,4…. I declare a Twitter war

    Since Bravo decided to play “The Fast & the Furious 99” tonight I had no choice, but to search for another form of entertainment. Thankfully, Kanye West is still crazy and his Twitter feed fulfilled my craving for drama. He is apparently in a fight with Jimmy Kimmel.  Kanye is mad that the late night talk show host spoofed an hour-long interview he gave to the BBC. Who in their right mind would let Kanye West talk for an hour?  Do the Brits have MTV?  Well, Kanye’s designer panties are in a bunch. So, how do reasonable human beings resolve conflict?  Kanye did the opposite and turned to social media,…

  • Under the weather

    I have been battling a head cold for three days. I don’t usually get sick. Then again, my 6-year-old son doesn’t usually sneeze on my face. He was mid-sentence, blew snot on my cheek and finished his thought, “and that’s why I think Batman would totally beat Superman in a fight.” Really? Really? You couldn’t pause to grab a tissue. That deep thought couldn’t wait 10 seconds? A few days later I had the virus that took all three kids out last week. The only difference is nobody is taking care of me. I don’t get a day off. My daughter won’t even ride her tricycle to the store to…

  • Who wears short shorts?

    I am not a fan of the clothes young girls wear these days. I do not want my daughter dressing like a hoochie mama. Your vagina shouldn’t be longer than your shorts. I love this story out of Utah. A father, annoyed with his daughter’s attire, decided to show her how ridiculous she looked. He didn’t yell at her. Instead, he took scissors and cut up a pair of old jeans. Then, he and his family hit the town. Brilliant! I was recently reminded of the belly exposing shirts I wore freshman year in high school. Touché. Well, I am older and wiser. It’s not like I am walking around…

  • I have no words

    First there was the Macarena. Then, came Gangnam Style. If this song is played on terrestrial radio I will just drive in silence. Well, I will have to listen to three children complain about the silence. What the….what is going on here?

  • Classy Wedding March

    Oh. My. Goodness. It takes a lot to offend me. These hillbillies made my jaw drop. You’ve probably seen a YouTube video of a creative wedding speech, march down the aisle, etc. Yours truly gave an unique speech at my friend Nikki’s wedding. It’s all in good fun. However, this couple took it to a new level. If they wanted to shock their guests, well, mission accomplished. Poor Timmy. Warning: Extremely offensive language.

  • Conan vs. Rhubarb lady

    Have you seen the viral video of the crazy lady stealing rhubarb? She makes Kanye West seem like a nice guy. Of course Conan O’Brien wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass him by.

  • RIP Sgt. Lawson

    You can probably name a member of the Kardashian family. There is a good chance you’ve heard of Honey Boo Boo, but you probably don’t know guys like Sgt. Scott Lawson. He only fought in some of the bloodiest battles in the Iraq war. He only received a bronze star for his bravery. Why should you know him? After all, he didn’t have a made for TV wedding or cook “sketti.” Sgt. Lawson served with my husband in the Iraq war. Please don’t lecture me about WMD’s. The reason for taking down Saddam Hussein doesn’t negate the bravery of the troops. Sgt. Lawson’s unit was highlighted in a 2004 Time…

  • Da funk

    I am in a funk. It has nothing to do with not finding Ryan Gosling in Skaneatles. Hormones are partially to blame along with receiving some really sad news. I just needed to spend a day in bed. That is impossible when you have three kids. My daughter was up at 7 a.m. this morning. The rest of my family, having stayed up late watching a movie slept until 11 a.m. (Can you even imagine how awesome that would be?) My daughter dosed off on the couch around 10:30. I was about to nap with her when my phone started blowing up. It wasn’t actually blowing up. That’s what the…