If you become a parent be prepared to answer one question hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Why? Most of the time you will have an answer. You will make one up for the other questions. Today I am the one asking, “Why?” My friend’s 16-month-old daughter passed away this morning. Her name was Grace. She was born with a condition called CDH or Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. She defied the odds and celebrated her first birthday. It was truly amazing. Then, she suffered a setback which required another surgery. Her little body couldn’t take anymore.
Grace’s parents worked tirelessly to give her the best care. Day after day, while I complained about silly things, they juggled countless doctor’s appointments, jobs and caring for another child. They made it look easy. It wasn’t, but they had their daughter.
Grace had a beautiful smile, eyes that sparkled and despite having suffered so much, she was always content. So, why? Why would God give us this precious miracle and take her away? This time there is no answer. Nor are there words to ease my friend’s pain. I do know there are people who live a long life, but leave this world without leaving a mark. Grace left her mark. She inspired so many people in her short life. She taught us to have faith and never give up. It doesn’t make losing her any easier. My 3-year-old asked me tonight, “Are you done crying, Mommy?” No, not even close. Why? Because my heart is broken.
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Heidi "Blanc" Green
Jennifer’s sister Jill and I were very goog friends growing up in Harvard. I LOVE the Johnson family more then words. I may have not seen them recently but they always have been in my heart and regular thoughts. Jill and I have been through a lot of good times and not so many bad times. But right now I haven’t felt so helpless as I do now. I never got to meet Grace but by knowing the Johnson family I know that she was an amazing person. I am sorry I never got to meet her. And am bless to have felt I got to know her through these public outlets like Facebook and blogs. Please let Jennifer know that I contacted you and that my thoughts are with her and grace during these tough times. Heidi