

Where the hell have I been all these years? I’ve always cooked bacon in a pan on the stove. Am I a pioneer? Have I not a box of Reynold’s Wrap in my kitchen cabinet? Luckily, Pinterest has opened my eyes to a whole new world.

I rely on Campbells to put carrots in my soup, but someone pinned how to cut carrots into the shape of hearts. Did you know you can make a lampshade out of rulers or a topiary out of Marshmallow Peeps. The information on this website is invaluable. I am grateful there are people in this world with a lot of time on their hands.

Seriously, there are some cool ideas on Pinterest. I discovered an easier way to cook bacon. This will change your mother f-ing life! I apologize for being crude. I didn’t need to use the word mother in that sentence. Ready? Cook the bacon in the oven. Bam! You put aluminum foil on cookie sheet. Then, place a wire rack on the sheet. Slap those bacon strips on the rack and throw into the oven at 375 degrees. Walk away and come back 15 minutes later. Ta-dah! You have crispy bacon with less mess and your house doesn’t reek for days.

I cooked some this morning and my 5-year-old devoured it. The other two kids ate pancakes and cereal. Apparently, I am running a restaurant here. Hell yeah, I instagramed this s***!



  • The Next Step

    hahahaha, omg I forgot the wire rack!! I made bacon just yesterday and I was so disappointed at how soft and jerky-like it was. I baked it in the oven in a 9×13 dish – and forgot to raise it up out of the grease!! thanks! now I can stop spending ridiculous amounts of money for pre-cooked bacon that I just heat in the toaster oven!

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