
  • Gas Station Drama

    Have you ever sprinted into a gas station carrying a toddler as if you were a contestant on The Amazing Race? Was your shirt bunched up, exposing your less than toned belly? Was the toddler you were carrying yelling, “Hurry, hurry?” Then, before you even stepped foot in the bathroom she sighed and declared, “Too late.” It was apparently your fault for going around the shelf of pork rinds and Hot Fries instead of taking it like Lolo Jones. In fact, you should’ve broken through the glass entrance rather than open it. It’s also your fault there isn’t a bathroom near the cow pasture or corn fields. Did you spend…

  • Around the www

    I received a comment from an angry reader that started with “Are you kidding me?”  Yes, ma’am.  I am usually kidding.  You need to buy panties with stronger elastic. I am not in the mood for anonymous insults. When you work in TV news you have to put up with a lot of BS. Comment: “I don’t like your haircut.” Response: Thank you for your feedback. Comment:“You’re a dumb pig.” Response: “Thank you for your feedback.” Comment: “Your newscast is so painful it makes my eyes bleed.” Response: Thank you for your feedback. I can assure you the reporter, anchor, producer, etc. is thinking something completely different. If the walls in…

  • Come on a my house

    If I were writing a Facebook status I would choose the annoyed emoticon. Then, I would post a picture of dinner and a candid shot of my kids. After an hour I would check back and question why more people haven’t “liked” my status. What the hell! That’s a cute picture. I am annoyed with myself for caring what someone thinks about my house. I don’t live in a shack, but it’s not a mansion. There are scratches, dents and dings on the walls, evidence that three children live here. We have picnics and tea parties on the carpet. Matchbox cars and toy trains race on the hardwood floors. I…

  • In the weeds

    Being a mom means you are “in the weeds” 90% of the day. I’m not talking about the dangerous Hogweed newscasters warn you about year after year. Nothing is scarier than a reporter without a story idea. That is when you get the annual pothole, overgrown grass or Hogweed stories. Depending on who wrote the script Hogweed can be a small nuisance or Godzilla. I wasn’t in actual weeds. It’s a term used in the restaurant industry when you are so busy that you fall behind. A bleach blonde hostess, who can barely count to ten let alone divide customers, is usually to blame. My career as a waitress ended…

  • Too old

    I had an epiphany while strolling down an aisle in Target. I am too old to wear Uggs. Two teenagers were steps behind me when I overheard one say, “If my Mom wore Uggs I would throw mine in the garbage.” They both let out an evil cackle. I was crying inside. I still feel like I am in my twenties, but alas, I am not. Was I dressing appropriately for my age? It’s not like I am running around in a half top. I rocked that s**t in the 9th grade, but those days are gone. Mama has a stretch mark maze on her belly. A podiatrist made the…

  • Superhero for a day

    This is a great story! Superhero for a Day A 7-year-old boy with leukemia got a very special gift from the Make a Wish Foundation and the Anaheim, CA police department. Alex Lelenoa is fighting leukemia and the Make A Wish Foundation decided to grant him his wish of becoming a superhero.

  • Unicorn + Peacock = ?

    I love Christopher Columbus.  Regardless of whether or not he actually discovered America, my kids get the day off from school.  So, we won’t be late today!  It doesn’t matter what time I get up something always comes up that delays our departure.  Just recently, we were late to school because my daughter wanted to draw a unicorn.  Let me repeat: she refused to leave until she drew a unicorn.  She is obsessed with an imaginary animal.   Dear God, please don’t let her grow up to play Dungeons & Dragons. She will draw unicorn-dogs, unicorn-birds, unicorn-cows, etc.  They all  look alike.  Her creations are nothing like this picture posted on…

  • Heartbreaking

    I had never heard of Adrian Peterson until January 8, 2013.   There was an article in our local newspaper about the star football player.  I live in Buffalo Bills country.  We may not have a Superbowl trophy on the shelf, but we are dedicated fans.  So, why on earth was everybody gushing about a running back for the Minnesota Vikings?   Adrian Peterson did something off the field that made him a real hero.   He called a teenager, battling a rare form of cancer,  just to talk.  Blake Cognata took the call from his bed at Strong Memorial Hospital.   For five minutes Blake was in his glory, speaking on…