

I turned down a night out with my girlfriends to hang out with 7th graders. No, I am not Mary Kay Letourneau. My son is having friends overnight to celebrate his 13th birthday. I would sacrifice a dozen margaritas to make my children happy. They are my world. Besides, you know what happens when you leave kids home alone. They make a mess of the house, steal toothbrushes and play tricks on burglars. On the plus side, I get to watch Adam Levine on Saturday Night Live.

I am not allowed to call tonight’s get together a party. There are no decorations and singing “Happy Birthday” was forbidden. They are too cool for tradition. I was lucky I got to snap a few pictures during the festivities. These boys have been friends since kindergarten. I have photographed every birthday and this year would be no different, damn it. You can’t throw a high school graduation party without a photo collage. A photo collage isn’t complete without the embarrassing, awkward Tween phase, right? They tried to dodge me like I was the paparazzi. Unfortunately there is nowhere to hide in this house Justin Beiber! My son gave a disapproving look each time the flash went off. At one point my 3-year-old daughter told me, “You can take my picture Mommy.” I snapped away. I figure, since girls mature faster, I only have a good 7 years before she scolds me too.

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